


What's the point of your religion, if you're not benevolent;

what's the point of your religion, if you're still violent.


If your religion, encourages cruel war;

or to oppress your neighbor, then what's your religion for.


Your religion is corrupted, and misused when;

it stirs up hatred, and fear in men.


Your religion is corrupted, if used for worldly gain;

or outward show, for personal fame.


Your religion is corrupted, if the church you're attending;

is full of hypocrites, and you're just pretending.


Is the point of your religion, to play a kind of game;

to dress up on Sunday, all in God's name.


Is the point of your religion, to cause arrogance and pride;

to inflate your ego, so humility cannot abide.


Religion is good, if it decreases man's fear;

in unseen things, and brings Heaven near.


Religion is good, if Love and compassion;

brings men together, into a congregation.


Religion is good, if it increases forgiveness;

mercy and brotherly Love, honesty and kindness.


The point of all religion, is to help men abide;

together in harmony, without worldly pride.


To increase Truth and Love, and gentle affection;

to give children hope, and provide Loving direction.


To make men gentle, without hate or anger;

with hearts full of peace, without fear of danger.


If you can Love everyone, with real sincerity;

then you have true religion, and that's good enough for me.